QCFiltered.data dataset was generated following this QC steps
Cell cycle score was assigned following the Seurat v2.4 Cell-Cycle Scoring vignette
# Assign cell-cycle scores based on Tirosh et al, 2015 gene list
s.genes <- c("Mcm5", "Pcna", "Tym5", "Fen1", "Mcm2", "Mcm4", "Rrm1", "Ung", "Gins2", "Mcm6", "Cdca7", "Dtl", "Prim1", "Uhrf1", "Mlf1ip", "Hells", "Rfc2", "Rap2", "Nasp", "Rad51ap1", "Gmnn", "Wdr76", "Slbp", "Ccne2", "Ubr7", "Pold3", "Msh2", "Atad2", "Rad51", "Rrm2", "Cdc45", "Cdc6", "Exo1", "Tipin", "Dscc1", "Blm", " Casp8ap2", "Usp1", "Clspn", "Pola1", "Chaf1b", "Brip1", "E2f8")
g2m.genes <- c("Hmgb2", "Ddk1","Nusap1", "Ube2c", "Birc5", "Tpx2", "Top2a", "Ndc80", "Cks2", "Nuf2", "Cks1b", "Mki67", "Tmpo", " Cenpk", "Tacc3", "Fam64a", "Smc4", "Ccnb2", "Ckap2l", "Ckap2", "Aurkb", "Bub1", "Kif11", "Anp32e", "Tubb4b", "Gtse1", "kif20b", "Hjurp", "Cdca3", "Hn1", "Cdc20", "Ttk", "Cdc25c", "kif2c", "Rangap1", "Ncapd2", "Dlgap5", "Cdca2", "Cdca8", "Ect2", "Kif23", "Hmmr", "Aurka", "Psrc1", "Anln", "Lbr", "Ckap5", "Cenpe", "Ctcf", "Nek2", "G2e3", "Gas2l3", "Cbx5", "Cenpa")
QCFiltered.data <- CellCycleScoring(object = QCFiltered.data,
s.genes = s.genes,
g2m.genes = g2m.genes,
set.ident = F)
reduction.use = "spring",
group.by = "Phase",
cols.use = wes_palette("GrandBudapest1", 3, type = "discrete")[3:1],
dim.1 = 1,
dim.2 = 2,
label.size = 4,
no.legend = F )
Manuscript Fig. 1B
FeaturePlot(object = QCFiltered.data,
features.plot = c("Nes", "Sox2", "Tbr1", "Slc17a6", "Gad2", "Dlx5"),
cols.use = c("grey90", brewer.pal(9,"YlGnBu")),
reduction.use = "spring",
no.legend = T,
overlay = F,
dark.theme = F)
Manuscript Fig. 1C
We assigned broad transcriptional cell state score based on known and manually curated marker genes
APgenes <- c("Rgcc", "Sparc", "Hes5","Hes1", "Slc1a3",
"Ddah1", "Ldha", "Hmga2","Sfrp1", "Id4",
"Creb5", "Ptn", "Lpar1", "Rcn1","Zfp36l1",
"Sox9", "Sox2", "Nr2e1", "Ttyh1", "Trip6")
genes.list <- list(APgenes)
enrich.name <- "AP_signature"
QCFiltered.data <- AddModuleScore(QCFiltered.data,
genes.list = genes.list,
genes.pool = NULL,
n.bin = 5,
seed.use = 1,
ctrl.size = length(genes.list),
use.k = FALSE,
enrich.name = enrich.name,
random.seed = 1)
FeaturePlot(object = QCFiltered.data,
features.plot = APgenes,
cols.use = wes_palette("Zissou1", 8, type = "continuous"),
pt.size = 0.8,
reduction.use = "spring",
no.legend = T,
overlay = F,
dark.theme = F
Apical progenitors gene expression
BPgenes <- c("Eomes", "Igsf8", "Insm1", "Elavl2", "Elavl4",
"Hes6","Gadd45g", "Neurog2", "Btg2", "Neurog1")
genes.list <- list(BPgenes)
enrich.name <- "BP_signature"
QCFiltered.data <- AddModuleScore(QCFiltered.data,
genes.list = genes.list,
genes.pool = NULL,
n.bin = 5,
seed.use = 1,
ctrl.size = length(genes.list),
use.k = FALSE,
enrich.name = enrich.name,
random.seed = 1)
FeaturePlot(object = QCFiltered.data,
features.plot = BPgenes,
cols.use = wes_palette("Zissou1", 8, type = "continuous"),
pt.size = 0.8,
reduction.use = "spring",
no.legend = T,
overlay = F,
dark.theme = F
Basal progenitors gene expression
ENgenes <- c("Mfap4", "Nhlh2", "Nhlh1", "Ppp1r14a", "Nav1",
"Neurod1", "Sorl1", "Svip", "Cxcl12", "Tenm4",
"Dll3", "Rgmb", "Cntn2", "Vat1")
genes.list <- list(ENgenes)
enrich.name <- "EN_signature"
QCFiltered.data <- AddModuleScore(QCFiltered.data,
genes.list = genes.list,
genes.pool = NULL,
n.bin = 5,
seed.use = 1,
ctrl.size = length(genes.list),
use.k = FALSE,
enrich.name = enrich.name,
random.seed = 1)
FeaturePlot(object = QCFiltered.data,
features.plot = ENgenes,
cols.use = wes_palette("Zissou1", 8, type = "continuous"),
pt.size = 0.8,
reduction.use = "spring",
no.legend = T,
overlay = F,
dark.theme = F
Early pallial neurons gene expression
LNgenes <- c("Snhg11", "Pcsk1n", "Mapt", "Ina", "Stmn4",
"Gap43", "Tubb2a", "Ly6h","Ptprd", "Mef2c")
genes.list <- list(LNgenes)
enrich.name <- "LN_signature"
QCFiltered.data <- AddModuleScore(QCFiltered.data,
genes.list = genes.list,
genes.pool = NULL,
n.bin = 5,
seed.use = 1,
ctrl.size = length(genes.list),
use.k = FALSE,
enrich.name = enrich.name,
random.seed = 1)
FeaturePlot(object = QCFiltered.data,
features.plot = LNgenes,
cols.use = wes_palette("Zissou1", 8, type = "continuous"),
pt.size = 0.8,
reduction.use = "spring",
no.legend = T,
overlay = F,
dark.theme = F
Late pallial neurons gene expression
SPgenes <- c("Gad2", "Dlx6", "Slc32a1", "Nrxn3","Dlx5")
genes.list <- list(SPgenes)
enrich.name <- "SP_signature"
QCFiltered.data <- AddModuleScore(QCFiltered.data,
genes.list = genes.list,
genes.pool = NULL,
n.bin = 5,
seed.use = 1,
ctrl.size = length(genes.list),
use.k = FALSE,
enrich.name = enrich.name,
random.seed = 1)
FeaturePlot(object = QCFiltered.data,
features.plot = SPgenes,
cols.use = wes_palette("Zissou1", 8, type = "continuous"),
pt.size = 0.8,
reduction.use = "spring",
no.legend = T,
overlay = F,
dark.theme = F
Sub-pallial neurons gene expression
Palgenes <- c("Tmem163", "Ptprd", "Tbr1", "Wnt7b", "Nrn1", "Slc17a6")
genes.list <- list(Palgenes)
enrich.name <- "Pal_signature"
QCFiltered.data <- AddModuleScore(QCFiltered.data,
genes.list = genes.list,
genes.pool = NULL,
n.bin = 5,
seed.use = 1,
ctrl.size = length(genes.list),
use.k = FALSE,
enrich.name = enrich.name,
random.seed = 1)
FeaturePlot(object = QCFiltered.data,
features.plot = Palgenes,
cols.use = wes_palette("Zissou1", 8, type = "continuous"),
pt.size = 0.8,
reduction.use = "spring",
no.legend = T,
overlay = F,
dark.theme = F
Pallial neurons gene expression
FeaturePlot(object = QCFiltered.data,
features.plot = c("AP_signature1", "BP_signature1", "EN_signature1",
"LN_signature1", "Pal_signature1", "SP_signature1"),
cols.use = rev(brewer.pal(10,"Spectral")),
reduction.use = "spring",
no.legend = T,
overlay = F,
dark.theme = F
Manuscript Fig. 1D
## [1] "30 novembre, 2020, 10,28"
## R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
## Matrix products: default
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## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/atlas/liblapack.so.3.10.3
## locale:
## attached base packages:
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## [5] cowplot_1.0.0 ggplot2_3.2.1
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## [43] dplyr_0.8.3 Rcpp_1.0.5 vctrs_0.2.0
## [46] gdata_2.18.0 ape_5.3 nlme_3.1-141
## [49] iterators_1.0.12 fpc_2.2-3 gbRd_0.4-11
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## [55] lifecycle_0.1.0 irlba_2.3.3 gtools_3.8.1
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## [118] stats4_3.6.3 munsell_0.5.0
Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris, INSERM U1266, 75014, Paris, France, matthieu.moreau@inserm.fr↩